
T-ZONE Czech Republic s. r. o. Vás žiada o súhlas s používaním Vašich údajov na nasledujúce účely:

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We use Google Analytics to improve our website and services, which receives anonymous, aggregated data about the habbits of our visitors.

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Pomocou služby Facebook poskytujeme remarktingovú reklamu, čím zvýšime relevantnosť reklamy na platformách služieb Facebooku.


Czech Republic

legal business address:

T-ZONE Czech Republic s. r. o.
Nedakonice č. p. 334
687 38 Nedakonice
Czech Republic

Company registration no.: 03 655 890
VAT registration no.: CZ03655890

Office Prague:
V Parku 2308/8 (office 3.07.)
148 00 Praha-Chodov
Czech Republic


Mrs. Rita TAMÁS
CEO / Co-owner

Mr. Attila TAMÁS
CEO / Co-owner

Mr. Mojmír BOXAN
sales director
+420 603 455 662

Mr. Albert HORSKY
export manager
+420 736 778 497


Slovak Republic

legal business address and office:

T-ZONE, s. r. o.
Hlavná 675
925 23 Jelka
Slovak republic

Company registration no.: 36 713 562
VAT registration no.: SK2022302788

Mrs. Rita TAMÁS
CEO / Co-owner

Mr. Attila TAMÁS
CEO / Co-owner

+421 911 430 901
+421 911 430 902

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